Last year our church earned almost $1000 with Kroger Community Rewards! This is such an easy way for our church to generate funds with no additional expense to our congregants.
Starting April 1st, anyone who has signed up before for this program, needs to re-sign up, and if you haven't signed up yet, now is the perfect time to enroll to help our church! If you sign up before April 1st, you will be taken off again on April 1, so make sure you sign up after April 1.
Here are step by step instructions to sign up:
Step 1: type www.krogercommunityrewards.com into browser.
Step 2: Select Ohio.
Step 3: Scroll down and click on "Enroll"
Step 4: Click on “Sign up Today!”
Step 5: Enter in your zip code and then click "Search"
Step 6: Click on the arrow to display the list of stores in your zip code and highlight your preferred store.
Step 7: Enter in your email and password.
Step 8: Select any email communications you would like to receive from Kroger.
Step 9: Click on "Next"
Step 10: Key in your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card Number. (If it says that this card has already been used, please call the number on the back of your card.)
Step 11: Enter in your contact information.
Step 12: Click on "Next"
Step 13: Verify that your account information is correct. Check box for agreement to terms and conditions and click on "Complete Information"
Step 14: Kroger will send an email to your personal account that you entered earlier in the process. This could take up to 10 minutes.
Step 15: Open the email that Kroger sent. Read the email and either click on the link within the email or copy and paste it into your browser.
Step 16: Sign in: click on the blue “Click here" button and then type in your email and password.
Step 17: Under Kroger Community Rewards Section at right, click "Edit Kroger Community Rewards Information"
Step 18: Find Concord by entering our organization's NPO number, 81278.
Step 19: Click on "Concord Presbyterian Church". Please make sure that you click on the circle to the left so that it becomes highlighted.
Step 20: Click on "Save Changes"
Step 21: Check to make sure all information is accurate
Step 22: You're Done!
If you need assistance in signing up fo this program, please see Cris Allen any Sunday after service. She would be more than happy to help you sign up on the Church's laptop right away! Just bring your Kroger Card to church!